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Reading Queer

writing workshop

Writing Desire through Poetry: “Await What the Stars will Bring.”

Writing Desire through Poetry: “Await What the Stars will Bring.”

Clayre Benzadón leads you on a journey through desire as inspiration for generating poems that sing. About this event Workshop Description: Desire is a core element of poetry (as well as that of queerness). Without it, most of the time, poems either fall flat or lose their element of urgency. In…

Queering the Opening: Generative Workshop led by Paul Lisicky

Queering the Opening: Generative Workshop led by Paul Lisicky

This writing workshop shows writers how to snag the reader’s attention and build tension from the first (few) sentences. Get tickets. Workshop Description: How to involve the reader from the first sentence—or at least the first few? How to imply tension and trouble without giving the whole narrative away? We’ll think…

Inviting the Subconscious: Generative Workshop Led by Julie E. Bloemeke

Inviting the Subconscious: Generative Workshop Led by Julie E. Bloemeke

Enter the subconscious and activate your creativity with author Julie E. Bloemeke. Get Tickets. About this Event Workshop Description: Compelled by the connection between the subconscious and the poem draft? Looking to tap into image and dream as a means of generating new material? Curious by what a past self might…

RQ Presents: QueerWrite Your Subversion with Eve Eurydice

RQ Presents: QueerWrite Your Subversion with Eve Eurydice

Hailing from Lesbos, Greece, Eurydice is a multimedia artist, podcaster, journalist, educator, single Mom, & the author of 3 books & numerous stories & articles. She is currently at work on a memoir titled The Lesbian that tells the story of Lesbian women–a genealogy that spans from Sappho to her great grandmother to her grandmother to her mother to her–& of our Lesbian language; on a nonfiction book titled Speak Sex to Power; & on a novel retelling the story of Eurydice in her own words.