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Reading Queer

Course Materials: Inviting the Subconscious

Course Materials: Inviting the Subconscious

Hello all,

I am so looking forward to our generative workshop tomorrow and to creating a space of respite and creativity.  I will introduce myself in more detail in our session, but for those of you who have not workshopped with me before, I have included a few notes about me at the end of this letter.  
I am attaching a packet of poems by LGBTIQ+ poets. Please note it is not necessary for you to review the poems before workshop.  However, in the interest of making the most of our time, I think it will be helpful to have them ready before class so that you can print them out if you wish or have them easily accessible on your desktop. Please note I will also have the file in workshop that you can download from chat.  In the main, the poems are for you to explore on your own outside of class, however, we will review two of them as an initial invitation into our meditation and writing exercise.
Please be sure to dress comfortably and be in an environment as free of distraction as possible.  For the meditation portion of our time together, you may also wish to use headphones so as to cancel any outside noise.
Be sure to bring a pen and paper too. Part of connecting to the subconscious is going analog–hand to pen, pen to paper.  If you are unable to write due to injury or disability, please let me know ahead of time so I can take this into consideration. 
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow; if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at the email below.
With joy and gratitude, 
Julie E. Bloemeke

A few notes about me:  My full-length collection of poetry, Slide to Unlock, debuted with Sibling Rivalry Press in March 2020 right as the pandemic was gaining overwhelming momentum.  I worked on the manuscript for about 10 years; it is a navigation of the way we perceive intimacy and relationships through phones and screens, handwritten letters and texts, apps and photos, memory and visual art.  I could never have anticipated that a book exploring connection would come into the world in quarantine, social distancing, self-isolating, and an upending of what we all once thought we understood about touch.  My website below has more details about Slide to Unlock, as well as other projects in the works, including serving as co-editor for the Dolly Parton tribute issue of Limp Wrist Magazine which debuts next week.  As far as teaching, I am extremely interested in the role of the subconscious in early drafting, and the ways in which meditation, healing, energy work, writing, and craft practice are in conversation.