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The Reading Queer Writing Academy presents “Inside Out & Outside In”

The Reading Queer Writing Academy presents “Inside Out & Outside In”

The Reading Queer Writing Academy presents “Inside Out & Outside In”

The Reading Queer Writing Academy presents “Inside Out & Outside In”, a personal narrative workshop taught by writer and artist Vanessa García.

Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (PDT) @ the Bakehouse Art Complex located at 561 NW 32nd St Miami, FL 33127.

About the workshop: Autobiography is as much about power as it is about introspection. The idea behind this workshop is to try and look at our lives from new angles—to try and see the “self” and the memories we think we know so well through different lenses and perspectives. In short, we will be “queering” our stories, forcing them out of stifling binaries. I will lead participants through a series of exercises that will help facilitate this process.

Although the focus of the course is personal narrative, we will be working through both fiction and non-fiction. Some writers might, for instance, want to disguise their story through fable or make their tale more universal by fictionalizing it. We will work through this decision in the workshop, deciding which genre is best for each individual writer while also discussing the important differences between fiction and nonfiction.

This workshop is also meant to help writers locate a nucleus of agency within themselves, thus placing them firmly on the page, and, therefore, in the world.


COST: Pay what you can afford. Suggested donation: $20* Visit our EventBrite page to rsvp: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/rq-workshop-inside-out-outside-in-tickets-13502812275?aff=efbevent.

*As an expression of our conviction that writing is a right, not a privilege, all workshops are open to the general public regardless of an individual’s ability to pay. Your donation, at any level, makes this possible. You help us provide open access to all regardless of their personal resources.

VANESSA GARCIA is a multi-media and cross-genre artist, writer, journalist, and playwright. She’s written and reported for various publications including The New York Times; The LA Times; The Miami Herald; HowlRound; The Southern Humanities Review; and The Art Basel Magazine, along with numerous other journals, magazines, newspapers, and online media. She is also a Huffington Post Blogger. In 2010, she was named one of Miami’s 20 under 40 by The Miami Herald. That same year she was named one of Miami’s 100 Creatives by the Miami New Times. In 2008, she was one of four Literature Finalists, worldwide, in the Rolex Mentor & Protégé Arts Initiative. She’s also the Founding Artistic Director of Krane, Inc — a multidisciplinary arts company also known as The Krane (www.thekrane.com). Her complete CV can be found: www.vanessagarcia.org/about.php.