DESCRIPTION: Who would you be if you could radically decenter the white heteropatriarchal gaze? The most insidious act of violence white supremacy inflicts is it robs us of our imagination. White supremacy is a fight that first begins in the mind. A world where Black lives truly matter, a world where the gender binary is dismantled, and a world where all bodies are worthy of love and having their basic needs met can exist if we can cultivate these worlds in our creative minds. This workshop is for writers and aspiring writers who want to decolonize their thinking and pluralize the concept of freedom. In using an intersectional framework and series of writing prompts, writers will wrestle with the question: what does it mean to be a QTPOC and thrive against the backdrop of white supremacy?
LUTZE B. SEGU is a native of Miami and a first-generation Haitian-American. She is an alum of Florida Memorial University the only historical Black college in Miami. She majored in English Literature and credits FMU for politicizing and fostering her #BlackGirlMagic. Lutze holds a Masters in Social Work from Barry University, but she is #notyouraveragesocialworker. For the past five years she has been practicing social work that is rooted in Black Feminism, Queer Theory, and Critical Race Theory. She is also an activist, writer, curator of sociopolitical spaces, organizer, and social justice practioner. In the fall Lutze is moving to Vancouver, Canada to attend the University of British Columbia to pursue a doctoral degree in Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice.