• readingqueer.org
Reading Queer

It’s the end of the year, but we’ve only just begun.

It’s the end of the year, but we’ve only just begun.

Dear Community,

Reading Queer relies on your generous support to fund our mission to transform the lives of the queer community through the act & the art of creative writing. Your donation to Reading Queer will impact lives & make a real difference.

Your donation will fund:

  • stipends for creative writing instructors who will teach community-based creative writing workshops with an emphasis on under-served communities.
  • open & free access to creative writing workshops for students in under-served communities
  • stipends to bring nationally recognized queer writers to the annual Reading Queer Literary Festival.
  • the production of the annual Reading Queer Literary Festival.
  • free & open access to the literary salon series
  • the RQ archive

$25 allows one student from an under-served community to attend a workshop
$100 allows four students from an under-served community to attend a workshop
$250 hires one creative writing teacher to mentor a community-based writing workshop
$1,000 brings one nationally recognized queer writer to share their work in Miami
$2,500 the average cost of producing a headliner event for the Reading Queer Festival

Please consider a year-end tax-deductible donation by December 31st to further our work in 2014.

With the support of our donors, Reading Queer has already made an impact on the community with these events:

Reading Queer inaugural event in partnership with the Miami Book Fair International: “I am the what-are-you: Queer Poetry/Queer Differences”.
Public performance of “Drifting: A Theatrical Exquisite Corpse” in collaboration with The Krane, Girls’ Club Fort Lauderdale & Panther Coffee:
Reading Queer @ Pecha Kucha Miami: “Signifiers in Queer/Feminist Contemporary Art in Asia & Miami“.

Please support Reading Queer with a year-end, tax-deductible gift today. Every contribution makes an impact.

Thank you.


Neil de la Flor, RQ  Executive Director

P.S. To make a donation, please visit here.