Dear Community,
Reading Queer relies on your generous support to fund our mission to transform the lives of the queer community through the act & the art of creative writing. Your donation to Reading Queer will impact lives & make a real difference.
Your donation will fund:
- stipends for creative writing instructors who will teach community-based creative writing workshops with an emphasis on under-served communities.
- open & free access to creative writing workshops for students in under-served communities
- stipends to bring nationally recognized queer writers to the annual Reading Queer Literary Festival.
- the production of the annual Reading Queer Literary Festival.
- free & open access to the literary salon series
- the RQ archive
$25 allows one student from an under-served community to attend a workshop
$100 allows four students from an under-served community to attend a workshop
$250 hires one creative writing teacher to mentor a community-based writing workshop
$1,000 brings one nationally recognized queer writer to share their work in Miami
$2,500 the average cost of producing a headliner event for the Reading Queer Festival
Please consider a year-end tax-deductible donation by December 31st to further our work in 2014.
With the support of our donors, Reading Queer has already made an impact on the community with these events:
Reading Queer inaugural event in partnership with the Miami Book Fair International: “I am the what-are-you: Queer Poetry/Queer Differences”.
Public performance of “Drifting: A Theatrical Exquisite Corpse” in collaboration with The Krane, Girls’ Club Fort Lauderdale & Panther Coffee:
Reading Queer @ Pecha Kucha Miami: “Signifiers in Queer/Feminist Contemporary Art in Asia & Miami“.
Thank you.
Neil de la Flor, RQ Executive Director
P.S. To make a donation, please visit here.